
Thursday, February 24, 2011

I will eat almost anything

I had a location scout today for an unrelated project, but that's boring, so I figured I'd confide in all you wonderful people instead.

Everyone has an inner child somewhere, or so I've been told.  Mine lurks so close to the surface that I might as well still be four years old sometimes.  One example is that I love texture - so much of the world comes in through our fingers!  I adore visiting posh shops around the holidays, just so I can feel all of the sweaters on display.  It takes real self control not to run my hands through barrels of flour or dried beans at bulk food stores, they just feel so marvelous.  The staff neither understands nor appreciates the sheer tactile pleasure of running your hands through barrels of dried peas, though.

For whatever reason, I'm very aware of certain basic instincts (no, probably not what you're thinking!).  The dear SO bought some chain maille making supplies for his new hobby, including these really cool glass rings to weave into some projects.

Upon unpacking them, I had this almost irrepressible urge to put them in my mouth - they look like little life savers, only brighter, shinier, with some sort of beautiful depth.  (While I managed to keep my mouth glass free, I can totally why a toddler would want to try and eat one.)

Friday, February 18, 2011

fairyhedgehog mention!

A special thanks to Fairyhedgehog for giving the film a shout out!

You should check out the rest of the blog.  Its funny, down to earth, and has some great insights!

Oh my gosh!

Atlanta Nights: The Movie has been announced on Making Light!

Special thanks to Theresa  Nielsen Hayden and  Jim Macdonald for doing this:

Check out the comments section, I was laughing my butt off.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Interview, and a bit of sprucing up

I've just done my first interview for the project - less nerve wracking as it was via email, so I could think about what to say rather than stumbling and stuttering like a Morlock in direct sunlight.

Since I didn't sound too bad, and there's some extra bits of information there, I'm going to share it with all of you wonderful people!

Interview at Writers Gone Wild

Neat, huh?  As other movie flavored stuff solidifies, I'll be sharing it right here.  Or most of it, anyway.  There will be some exclusive video footage only available to Kickstarter donators - access granted for all donations of one dollar or more!  I did that on purpose so that anyone who wants to follow the whole process and see what I'm up to, see full interviews with some of the greatest living science fiction and fantasy writers, and really get some inside info can have access very easily.  Much cheaper than going to a convention, and you can watch right at home!

Okay, shameless plug over.  I don't want to be a pest to anyone, especially my readers.  This is kind of an important project despite it's silliness - making the rest of the world outside pro literary circles aware that there are sharks in the water.

The word spreads!

Holy carp!  This little movie project of mine made it all over Twitter (I have no idea where this started from).

Nick Barlow mentions it on his blog here,

Which is a repost from SF site news here

My mind is boggled.  Things like this keep me going though - this is going to be an interesting adventure.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Atlanta Nights, the movie!

You know that big announcement that I've been talking about?

This is it.  I've purchased the film rights to Atlanta Nights, and am making the movie.  The worst book ever written will now become the worst movie ever made!

It's a big step for me in terms of film making - I've worked on plenty of features before, but this is the first time helming up a whole project.  It's nerve wracking, exhilarating, and pretty much any other word you can imagine that describes a roller coaster ride.

For the basic info about the project itself:

It's nearly all I can talk or think about at the moment, so if you guys have any questions at all, do post them in the comments, and I'll be happy to answer them!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011