
Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Saga of Kitty

Boyfriend and the cat are arguing about his radio antennae. Cat ate it. Boyrfriend took it away. Cat is bitching about that. Boyfriend refuses to return the remaining two inches of wire out of the original ten, and is demanding to know what happened to the other eight. This will be the highlight of my evening.

"What did you DO with it?'


"Is it INSIDE you???"


"GODDAMN it, cat!"


"NO. I'm not giving it back!"

Boyfriend throws away the wire.  Two mintues later, it's back.

'You snuck it out of the trash!?  You little scumbag ."


I live in a cartoon.


  1. The best kind of cartoon.

    Are you a neutral nation or just laughing too hard to get involved?

  2. other kitties friendDecember 6, 2012 at 3:43 PM

    Sounds like kitty has been talking and taking lessons from his cousin!!! He who eats the strangest stuff the quickest wins!!!

  3. I think I'm more like the UK here - I get my own set of meowings, rather than getting involved in every altercation.
